In ancient Greece, the word species applied to objects as well as to living things; it referred to different kinds of things that share similar physical properties. Taxonomists and philosophers did not even make a distinction between inanimate objects and biological beings. Species were classes of categories, separated by their different characteristics, and any deviations were dismissed as mistakes.
Speculative Monuments
or the Reverse Engineering of Fin-Based Lifeforms into Necromorphs spins around hybridizations of materiality, technology and biology in cross-referenced ecologies. I use speculative thinking as a form of critical tool to formulate hypothetical questions to fabulize with. How are non-human lifeforms technologized during earths sixth mass extinction?
The work consists of several sculptures made with plaster, epoxy and glass. It is an attempt to contemplate scenarios of an apocalypse of the body and prospects of how its by-products merge into an “alien consciousness”.
I antikens Grekland användes art som ett begrep för både objekt som såväl levande varelser. Det hänvisade till olika typer av ting som delade fysiska egenskaper. Taxonomi och filosofi skilde inte på livlösa föremål och biologiskt liv. Arter var klassifikationer av kategorier, åtskilda av deras olika egenskaper och avvikelser avfärdades som misstag.
Speculative Monuments or the Reverse Engineering of Fin-Based Lifeforms into Necromorphs kretsar kring möjliga hybridiseringar av materialitet, teknik och biologi i korsrefererande ekologier. Jag använder spekulativt tänkande som ett kritiskt verktyg för att formulera hypotetiska frågor att fabulera kring. Hur teknologiseras o-mänskliga livsformer under jordens sjätte-massutrotning?
Verken består av flera skulpturer gjorda med gips, epoxi, vax och glas. Det är ett försök att ”contemplate scenarios of an apocalypse of the body and prospects of how it’s by-products merges into an “alien consciousness”.